Clear Shower Curtain with Phone & Tablet Pockets

Posted: June 21, 2018
Clear Shower Curtain with Phone & Tablet Pockets
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If you're shopping for a gift for a teen, this clear shower curtain / shower curtain liner with touchscreen-interactive phone and tablet pockets should put a smile on their face. And light up their YouTube- and Netflix-viewing eyes. And send ripples their texting thumbs. And, though it seems impossible, ensure they take even longer showers than they already do.

The transparent curtain has nine pockets running in rows of three from top to bottom, so it can accommodate your entire device collection, bath time, and midgets too! You control the pockets' water resistance yourself - install the liner with pockets facing out of the shower, and your phones and tablets won't get wet. Hook it up in haste and...oops. Hope you have some silica.

The phone- and tablet-ready shower curtain liner is a standard 72" x 72". Its pockets should give you complete control over your devices when in use. Even, says seller Domus Home, the camera. I wonder why they point that out. What use would someone have for their camera in the shower?

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