SOAPBOTTLE - Bath Products in Usable Soap Packaging

SOAPBOTTLE is liquid soap on a rope. No, it's soap on a rope filled with liquid soap. Or maybe soap-in-soap on a rope. And really, the rope is optional, so SOAPBOTTLE's standout feature is that it's soap-filled soap, a low-waste green product wherein a bar of usable soap serves as the packaging for the body wash it holds inside.
Created by Dutch designer Jonna Breitenhuber, SOAPBOTTLE endeavors to solve an excessive packaging and waste problem that began weighing on Breitenhuber during her time working in the cosmetics industry. Rather than using plastic bottles as vessels for bath products like liquid soap, shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner, SOAPBOTTLE uses a bar of real soap. "Real" meaning after you've tipped out the last of your SOAPBOTTLE contents, you can use the packaging itself to keep scrub-a-dub-dubbing yourself clean.
SOAPBOTTLEs are made from organic ingredients, oils, and caustic soda, and are ideal for use as hand soap at sinks and other washing stations. They feel, function, and disintegrate just like traditional bar soap, leaving no waste behind. All ingredients are also biodegradable, so they will decompose at the sewage plants they wash away to in a few days.
SOAPBOTTLEs do come with a stainless steel closure to keep their liquid contents from running out, but this is reusable from SOAPBOTTLE to SOAPBOTTLE, and recyclable when it wears out. The paper label identifying your SOAPBOTTLE is also recyclable.
SOAPBOTTLE's first consumer offering is launching on Kickstarter, with the campaign running through April 22, 2021. Backers will receive one or more 100mL bottles of body wash in Ever Green, Light Blue, and /or Spicy Orange.