BAAM! Drain Blaster Cleaner
No, this is not the kind of BAAM! that spices up your sink drain or toilet bowl. On the contrary, it's the kind of BAAM! you call in when you've already spiced up your sink drain or toilet bowl and need help, uh, unspicing it. The kind of BAAM! you're gonna need when you BAAM! too much with Emeril and his Cajun Andouille & 3-Bean Chili. Or date a girl who sheds worse than a golden retriever.
The BAAM! Drain Blaster Cleaner de-clogs and un-gunks toilets, tubs, and sinks. More powerful and reliable than a plunger, and way less likely to corrode your pipes and the top few layers of your skin than muck-eating chemicals, the BAAM! Blaster uses compressed air and your own pumping potential to clean out slow and stopped up drains. The manual device is recommended for food, paper, and hair clogs, in addition to the standard Oops I Did It Again backups.
The BAAM! Drain Blaster Cleaner comes with 3 attachments to size it for any drain in your house. To activate the explosion of decongestion, pump the BAAM! plunger a few times, and then pull its trigger. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.