UV Light Air Purifier for HVAC System

Clean up the bad air in your home at its source. OK, I guess you install this UV Light Air Purifier in your HVAC system, not your significant other's mouth, but throw in a bottle of activated charcoal mouthwash, and you can clean up the bad air in your home at both of its sources.
The UV Light Air Purifier has dual 120V UV-C lights rated for 1- to 5-ton air systems. If you're a little handy, you can install it yourself by using the included template to cut two 1.75" holes in the primary vent duct extending from your HVAC unit or furnace. The lamps slide inside, and the purifier fastens to the duct with self-drilling screws. A 10' cord plugs the purifier into any standard electrical outlet.
Pro Tip: don't turn the UV Light Air Purifier on before it's safely installed in your duct, or you will quickly lose what you gain in air quality in eyesight.
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