Dragon Door Knocker

- Gothic Dragon Door Knocker - $21.99
- Florentine Dragon Hanging Bell Wall Sculpture - $25.90
- Dragon Welcome Wall Plaque - $36.45
- Design Toscano Drachen Dragon Wall Hook - $20.90
- Doorballs Door Knocker - $34.99
An original design forged by blacksmith Claude Nazair of Naz Forge, this dragon door knocker is a formidable piece of iron. The dragon stands between 18" and 20" tall from (somewhat adorable) head to curlicued devil's tail and has a 12" wingspan. Each door knocker made to order, so there will be some variation between the photos you see here and the fire breather you mount to your own front entry.
Nazair forges the dragon's head from 5/8" solid round stock iron, hammering its shape out under heat on the anvil, and then using homemade handheld punches to create the eyes and nostrils. He draws the wings and has them laser cut, and then adds texture to match the head and body over the fire.
A pivot pin inserted at the dragon's neck allows guests to knock its entire body against a 1/4" thick black plate to announce their arrival.
While you may be exploring Naz Forge's dragon door knocker as a well-deserved gift for yourself, I should also point out that if you need a gift for a woman who fancies herself a Khaleesi, a dragon door knocker will surely knocker off her feet.
You're welcome.