Han Solo in Carbonite Rug
Sure it's a cool novelty item to have in your family room or front entryway, plus embodies that which brings you the greatest joy in life (Star Wars), but do you really want to be the type of person who keeps Han Solo trapped in Carbonite eternally for the sole benefit of your personal obsession and home decor?
Well you might as well get one of these Han Solo in Carbonite rugs for every barren floor in your house then. The runners are made of polyester, whose bristly surface I've heard is second only to real Carbonite in its ability to wick dirt and keep feet warm. They're officially licensed by Lucasfilm and come in small (31-1/2" x 71-1/2") and large (39" x 90-1/2") sizes.
Note: Despite being "frozen" this rug version of carbonited Han prefers not to get too close to cracklin' fires. Surprisingly though, he does pair well with Wampa rugs.
Note 2: If you plan to engage in any, uh, horizontal lightsaber wielding on top of a Han Solo in Carbonite rug, please wear protection. Even Darth Vader supports safe sex.