Map of the Internet 2021

How much has the world...wide web changed since 2014? Martin Vargic maps it out in stunning detail in his latest Map of the Internet update, appropriately titled Map of the Internet 2021.
I mention 2014 because that's the last time Vargic updated his Map of the Internet (he called it 2.0.) He says the 2021 revision is "many times more detailed and informative," with several thousand popular websites represented as countries, and grouped together by category to form continents and regions. Categories include News Sites, Search Engines, Social Networks, E-Commerce, and, everyone's favorite, Adult Entertainment.
Within website countries, Vargic pens in their founders and CEOs, represented as capitals, as well as some of their most popular users and celebrities. Geographic features become elements of internet culture and computer science, and underwater ridges are played by important internet and computing pioneers. Like, probably, Al Gore.
Surrounding the Map of the Internet 2021 www.orld layout are charts ranking the most popular websites, largest internet companies, major sites blocked in China, and best-selling video games of all time.
Vargic offers those who want to dive even deeper into the rabbit hole a high resolution image of the Map of the Internet 2021 here. Prints are available in various sizes and paper types from Zazzle.
Vargic is a formidable cartographic artist, not just in his ability to design and create such striking map-sterpieces, but also in his willingness to map out hot and controversial topics. Map of the Internet is fascinating, yes, but if you head over to HalcyonMaps and browse Vargic's entire collection, you might be even more sucked in by some of his darker projects: The Map of Stereotypes; The World - Climate Change; History of School Shootings in the USA; Unarmed Victims of Deadly Police Violence in the United States.