Star Wars Meets Chinese Folklore Prints
Yesterday was May 4th and son of a bitch if I didn't bone the opportunity to run these Star Wars prints and say, "May the 4th be with you." And today is May 5th, another special day, particularly for the peoples of Mexico, and I decide to present you with Yodas and Stormtroopers and Darth Mauls outfitted as ancient warriors of China. Here's the things though: 1) Monster Gallery's Far East interpretation of the Star Wars universe is very cool. 2) My brain has been saturated with Old Tom gin and jambalaya and also the sounds of "Livin' on a Prayer" played by a brass band, a particularly deadly combination in terms of flaring up my ruhtard gene. I'm doing better as we speak though, having recently switched to tequila and secured a Mexican flag to wear as a cape. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Star Wars prints--all original illustrations--were inspired by traditional artwork of Chinese folklore figures. Each measures 16" x 12".