The Many Incarnations of Bill Murray Print

- Ghostbusters Proton Pack Backpack - $36.03
- Bill F*cking Murray Car Window Decal - $4.69
- What Would Bill Murray Do? T-Shirt - $32.50
- Caddyshack Noonan Official Bushwood Golf Hat - $23.00
- Plush Groundhog Day Hat - $68.85
It's Groundhog Day! According to Christopher Guerrero and his clan of cronies hoping to lure Bill Murray into the lead role of their USC School of Cinematic Arts thesis film, February 2, 2013 is also now Bill Murray Appreciation Day, or BMAD. Ulterior motives and poorly chosen acronym aside ('cause who's gonna BMAD that it's Bill Murray Appreciation Day?) Guerrero's 2/2 designation is a grand one.
Here, we honor the man, the myth, the coloring book with a feature on the Many Incarnations of Bill Murray print. And by "print", I mean poster ranging from 7" x 10" to 20" x 28", smartphone case, T-shirt, hoodie, stationery cards, throw pillow, or tote bag. Society 6 has almost as many incarnations of Bill Murray incarnations as does the Incarnations of Bill Murray print itself. (Yeah I checked the semantics on that. It's accurate.)
Memorable Murrays include:
- Meatballs' Tripper Harrison
- Caddyshack's Carl Spackler
- Stripes' John Winger
- Ghostbusters' Peter Venkman
- Kingpin's Ernie McCracken
- Rushmore's Herman Blume
- The Royal Tenenbaum's Raleigh St. Clair
- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou's Steve Zissou
- Zombieland's Himself
- Hyde Park on Hudson's Franklin D Roosevelt
- And, of course, Groundhog Day's Phil Connors