Flying Saucer Rocking Chair
- Contemporary Plush Microsuede Saucer Chair - $35.74
- My Neighbor Totoro Giant Sleeping Bag Sofa Bed - $228.00
- Vivon Cocoon-Shaped Comfort Foam Chair - $119.17
- Lazy Man Sofa Chair - $39.90
- Merax Foldable Floor Seat Cushion Chair - $99.90
This is a UFO. An Unidentified Furniture Object that Italian design firm It One Off created in a nod to little green men, living room acrobatics, and a nifty construction technique called "one ground point" they say the flying saucer rocker is the first and (so far) only chair to employ.
The UFO's little green men aesthetic is obvious: a single piece of concave carbon fiber cradles its handmade leather seat in a choice of a dozen colors. The rocker looks ready to transport its occupant to a galaxy far, far away. Maybe to the Land of Free BBQ and Unlimited Supplies of Chrissy Teigan. Also known as Dream Land.
For those who want to get Cirque du Soleil with their UFO, check out this GIF demonstrating its full to-and-fro potential. Note: I doubt you're supposed to try that at home.
It One Off achieved the saucer's "one ground point" effect with a stabilizing mass fulcrum in the base, which they say allows it to rotate a full 360 degrees without, uh, knocking you off your rocker.
Additional UFO components include a memory foam filling between the leather cover and carbon fiber chassis that has been distributed at varying densities to give it an ergonomic form.
Muchas danke to Contemporist.