iNyx - Self-Contained-Bedroom Bed

- Ocean Wave Ceiling Projector - $18.95
- 300 LED Window Curtain Lights - $22.99
- Refraction Window Privacy Film - $21.92
- Dome Bed Canopy Netting - $8.50
- Lap Log Classic- iPad Stand / Touchscreen Tablet Holder - $44.00
January 2017 Update: iNyx has now developed its own website. At printing, the online ordering system linked to an iNyx IndieGoGo crowdfunding page here.
March 31, 2016 Update: I received an email from a Dude reader who tried to purchase an iNyx bed. She said that her order was cancelled shortly after she placed it, and the iNyx shop was then removed from Etsy. I have no further information at this time about what happened to the listing, or whether or not the iNyx is a legitimate product that functions as it claims. The website printed on some of the iNyx photos,, still redirects to the (former) iNyx Etsy shop. Muchas danke to Rachel B. for telling us about her experience.
iNyx has the same idea as HiCan: bring the bedroom to the bed, and never leave it. The difference is that iNyx has figured out how to craft this bastion of relaxion, privacy, and utter laziness for about $50 grand less than HiCan. It deems itself the world's most advanced, coolest, and affordable bed.
iNyx beds come in 2 distinct, modern styles, both of which feature a canopy that contains automatic blinds and links up with a retractable home theater screen. The blinds will give you some privacy and block out light. The screen will give you a place to play movies and games or surf the web (i.e., watch porn) in conjunction with the bed's projector and built-in 5-point sound system.
Additional iNyx bedtime anytime treats include:
- Built-in LED lights in ambient red, blue, or white.
- Champagne holders. (OK, they can also hold other drinks.)
- Under-carriage and overhead lighting systems for creating light shows or your desired bedroom atmosphere.
- Built-in aromatic dispenser system. So you can stop and smell the roses when the brutal grind of lying around in bed all day catches up with you.
- Built-in, foldable mechanism in the footboard for attaching a flat screen TV.
- Built-in adjustable tables stored out of sight under the bed that pull out for use as a work or eating space.
- King-size mattress.
iNyx beds are the darlings of Polish designer Patryk Solarczyk. While not specifically stated in his Etsy shop, it seems that Solarczyk is using the Etsy storefront to gauge international interest in the iNyx concept. If consumers are responsive, he will launch his own iNyx website and online store. Also worth noting is that Solarczyk says he will sell his first 5 models of each bed at its $1,499 to $2,499 list price + shipping. He anticipates eventual retail price to be $9,999 and up.