Labyrinth Table

- Anatex Step Up Rollercoaster Table - $278.47
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- Chartres Hand Held Pewter Labyrinth - $38.95
- BRIO Labyrinth - $35.99
- Money Puzzle - Brain Teasing Maze For Cash or Gift Cards - $9.70
All that's missing from this Labyrinth is a puffy-shirted, spikey-mulleted David Bowie all decked out like the Goblin King. Then again, with the table's removable glass top and included figurines roaming the maze already, there's no reason you can't cast your own Jareth to join Benjamin Nordsmark's design award-winning party.
Nordsmark created the Labyrinth table "to show how a well known object like a table can be given an extra dimension by creating a small universe inside of it." Inside its walls lie 6 maze runners, each of which can be moved with the glass top in place using magnetic handles set underneath the table. Check out the video to see them in action. The Labyrinth's structure is made of steel that has been covered in a 5mm thickness of maple wood.
Muchas danke to Toxel.