Ctrl-Alt-Delete Cup Set
What percentage of people in 2011 actually know the significance of ctrl alt delete anyway? Are people still afraid of computers? Do YOU know what will happen if you hold those 3 keys down in unison? I dare you to try it right now.
Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard
Fat-fingered iPad and iPhone users rejoice! Celluon's EPIC Laser Virtual Keyboard, a 63-key QWERTY holograph, projects at full size onto any flat surface, lessening the tediousness of mobile texting and emailing, and...
Freewrite Traveler Ghost Transparent Digital Typewriter
Freewrite calls their special edition Traveler Ghost a "portable drafting device," but I think "typewriter" is a better word, because it's simpler, and doesn't detract from the real star of this clickety-click show: a...
Flowering Penis Coffee Mug
For all the ladies (and fellas!) who count floral patterns and penises amongst their favorite things, have I got a mug of a gift for you. Clothing and accessory brand HUMAN goes for a very anatomical part of being one...
Wake 'n' Bake Coffee Mug
There are a ton of these wake 'n' bake mugs out there, but I went with the delightful navy blue one you see here because its marketing is genius. Coffee or tea alongside my morning tokes? Pssshhh, F that. Fill that pipe...
The Barisieur Coffee Brewing Alarm Clock
Josh Renouf knows what the world really needs: coffee. Stat. Like, the second it opens its eyes. And it needs it served from The Barisieur, an alarm clock topped with implements from Beaker's lab. Very nice, Mr. Renouf...
Moccamaster KBGV Select Coffee Maker
Moccamaster's KBGV Select Coffee Maker is able to brew both a half and a full carafe of coffee to the Golden Cup Standard established by the Specialty Coffee Association. Wow! That means...nothing to me...
Moment Wraparound Smartwatch
Smartphones are getting bigger...and they're getting smaller. Not that the Moment smartwatch is a fully functional phone per se, but with its wraparound 360-degree touch surface design and full QWERTY keyboard, wearers...
Superhero Keyboard Skins
Superheros and their nemeses covering the keys of my MacBook? Yahtzee! I mean, Shazam! Never before did I realize how boring and uninspired a black-and-white keyboard really is. Thank you, superhero skin genius Killer...
Heatbuff Keyboard Hand Warmer
Stuck gaming in the basement with nothing but a space heater and the warmth wafting from your CPU? Boss too cheap to tick the thermostat above 68 at the office? Hands so cold you feel like you're typing with the fingers...
Cannabis Cold Brew Coffee
Two guesses as to which United State Mirth Provisions' cold-pressed coffee infused with locally-grown cannabis extract comes from. Hint: it's not Colorado...
Dyson Cyclone Belt Coffee Machine
Dyson keeps your life clean, cool, and now--if Jaehyo Lee's concept for a coffee maker comes to percolation--caffeinated. The Dyson Cyclone Belt Coffee Machine repurposes the technology of Dyson's vacuum cleaners and...
Keychain Laser Virtual Keyboard
The Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard is cool, but palm-sized? Come on, technology, you can do better than that. Let me see thumb-sized. Let me see belly button-sized. Let me see...oh, you have thumb-sized now? A Keychain Laser...