Skrub Knife Cleaner
If you're really careful you'll probably never nick...or slice clear through...your finger scrubbing your kitchen knives clean. Probably. But if you've done it before, or even felt the blade lick and the blood flow while slicing with your carver or chopping with your Santoku, a Skrub sponge cleaner made especially for your sharpest cutlery might be worth the investment. I mean, it costs more than Band-Aids, but way less than stitches and a new finger.
Kitchenwise's Skrub Knife Cleaners have a protective finger and thumb guide in their flexible, cut-resistant outer frames to make using the Pac-Man like pair of sponges easy to manage and guide along dirty blades while wet and soapy. Cleaning pads are snap-in and replaceable. In addition to kitchen knives, the Skrubs are useful for cleaning food processor blades and pizza cutters. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.