ArmPull Hands-Free Door Handle

ArmPull is from the maker of FootPull. Not to be confused with the maker of LegPull, which is your grandpa, your drunk uncle, or your annoying coworker who is all over the Meow Hear This and Toilet Goblin. Correction, was. Thank the Baby Jesus for WFH.
All lame joking aside, the ArmPull is a hands-free door handle that mounts to any door - well any door that doesn't require a latch to open - and allows you to open it using your forearm or elbow. In this pandemic-addled age, the ArmPull seems like an obvious choice for germ-free door-touching, but it's also, have around when you simply need to open a door and your hands are already full. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.