Japanese Electric Piston Masturbator (NSFW)
- 18-plus Powerful Piston Vibrating Male Masturbator - $36.69
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Note: The Japanese electric piston masturbator's NSFW designation serves not so much as a reminder that this device is not suitable to view at work as it does a reminder that it is not suitable to use at work. I found that out the hard way.
No pun intended.
The A10 Piston has risen out of what its creators call a passion to become the pioneers of electric masturbators. While (surprisingly, yet on second thought not surprisingly at all) other piston masturbators do exist, this one's up-and-down thrusting piston structure features a choice of several movement patterns that realistically simulate the natural sensations and strong stimulations of actual and variable sexual contact. Basically, this robotic vagina's got everything but the human girl flailing around it!
And in some ways no human girl is even better because, unlike a human girl, the A10 Piston will never make you do all (any!) of the work, or put forth ridiculous requests intended to fulfill its own needs, or ever, ever fatigue. That last part is further confirmed by the Japanese masturbator's implementation of an AC adaptor to "guarantee powerful everlasting use and simple mobility, clearing out any possible stress!" Did you hear that? Stress-free masturbation. Anyone know how to say "yahtzee" in Japanese?
A10 Piston makers do warn that their pleasure machine's engine might make some noise while running at high speed, and this noise might sound sort of like a metal grinder that's about to gnaw your penis off. But do not worry. Your penis will not be gnawed off.
Here are some other perks of a using a hundreds-of-dollars plug-in masturbator made in Japan:
- Once attached to your penis, the A10's inner piston structure will hold on to it tightly, all the way down to the root, so you can enjoy its company safely and in any style or position.
- It supports, via remote control, 7 different speeds, plus 7 different movement patterns.
- A hygienic design enables easy access to a disposable/exchangeable inner cup.
- This inner cup is also adjustable to personal penis length.
- In case it wasn't obvious, the A10 piston's high-speed stroking action epically exceeds the maximum speed of any human hand or blow job.
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