Middle Finger Key

Posted: August 26, 2012
Middle Finger Key
Check It Out

Nothing gives me more satisfaction than finding new and exciting ways of flipping people off. First, an umbrella, and now, a housekey. The Middle Finger key--or as vendor Goodworth & Co. calls it, the "Best Wishes" key--is a brass blank designed to fit all Kwikset KW1 locks. In a play to become the star of your keychain, the Best Wishes design depicts impressively detailed carvings of curled fingers, fingernails, and skin wrinkles on the palm side, and flips (heh heh) over to reveal two rows of knuckle etchings. I have to say, it's not just a mildly clever concept, it's a well-executed, and pretty cool-looking one to boot. The perfect gift for housemates who repeatedly lose their keys, mothers-in-law, and girlfriends who start hinting at wanting, or whine about not having, 24-hour access to your man lair.

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