Mom Grass

Posted: May 09, 2021
Mom Grass
Check It Out

Now, Mama, before you start worrying, nagging, or otherwise getting your panties in a bunch, rest assured, Mom Grass Hemp CBG Joints are 100% legal. They're made not of the evil wakki tabakki like those marijuana cigarettes degenerates like Willie Nelson, Cheech & Chong, and Elon Musk smoke, but a completely THC-free, government-friendly blend of cannabinoids called CBG.

Nope, Mama, that's not me missing yet another typo I made because I neglected to check my work. Mom Grass joints are made with CBG. It's a cannabinoid Mom Grass makers call the "building block" for THC and the more commonly known CBD. They also call it "the mother of all cannabinoids."

They also write, "Lighten up!" right on the Mom Grass box, so when I give you the 5-pack of prerolls to chill you out and ease your back, neck, foot, and arthritis pain, how about you simply say, "Thanks, son," and do just that.

For all you other dudes who agree that Mom Grass would make the best ever gift for your mom, the CBG doobies come in packs of 5, with each joint containing 0.7 grams of the good stuff.

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