Wine Bottle Fire Extinguisher
Bad news: this Wine Bottle Fire Extinguisher is not a real wine bottle. Good news: it is a real fire extinguisher. I got my mama one for Christmas and it has all the same heft and handles and gauges as the traditional red models. She hasn't gotten the opportunity to test it out yet (maybe after Mother's Day when I give her a Dremel butane torch) but I'll bet it works like a powdery dream too.
Wine Enthusiast mutes the color and adds French Bordeaux labels to household fire extinguishers to encourage owners to store them out in the open, closer at hand in the event of a fire, and particularly a kitchen fire. Rather than shoving your home-and-health saver under the sink behind cleaners and trash bags, this fire extinguisher looks classy enough to display on the counter. Or at least shove at arm's reach behind your real wine bottles.
The fire extinguisher is fully certified for use in the US, and Wine Enthusiast notes that its manufacturer "will send a brand new fire extinguisher if you use yours up! We just need a picture of the fire extinguisher showing the indicator in the red area plus the serial number as seen in the bottom of the product."
Dimensions are 12" tall x 11" in diameter. Weight is 2 pounds.