FLYK Multi-Purpose Package Opener

- OpenX Dual Blade Package Opener with Safety Guard - $12.83
- Slitit Plastic Package Opener - $12.95
- Slice Precision Knife - $9.49
- Fiskars Package Opener With Snap-in Screwdriver - $11.29
- Klever Kutter - $4.34
I hope I can give the FLYK package opener a big ol' LYK because I spend at least an hour and 5 papercuts a day opening packages these days. Maybe it's a cardboard box with an Amazon shipment. Maybe it's the 3 cardboard boxes and 2 nearly impenetrable molded plastic covers inside the Amazon shipment. Oh, or maybe it's a Walmart box the size of my damn living room that contains 4 square Kleenex boxes, a down pillow, and at least 50 yards of inflatable packing fill that I have to pop pocket by pocket in order to throw it out without having it take up my complex's entire recycling dumpster. And that neither of those products required to begin with given that they themselves could serve as packing fill for actual breakable items!

The FLYK is a multi-purpose package opener that can handle all of the above package sealants and annoyances, plus a few more. The tool has various insets and protrusions encircling its biodegradable liquid wood handle that allow you to use it as any of the following:
Standard Box Opener. Slick through taped boxes, soft packaging, wrapped magazines, and books, plus use the FLYK to break down package remnants for the recycling bin.
Envelope Opener. Stand FLYK on its head and find a built-in stainless steel letter opener ready to slash and glide.
Hard Plastic Package Opener. Located on the small end opposite the envelope opener, it slices into hard clamshell package, and is designed to be maneuverable enough to cut lines and curves around the shape of the items inside to free them.
Zip Tie, Cord, Plastic Tie & Banding Cutter. A notch at one corner of the FLYK contains a quick cutter for various types of tie-downs.
The FLYK package opener seeks crowdfunding on Kickstarter through August 4, 2020.