Square Beam HD Flashlight
Hey kids, not only will Bushnell's Torch flashlight illuminate the bogeyman and monsters under your bed, its blast of a 165-lumen, perfectly square HD beam of light will probably blind them long enough for you to grab your Sap Cap and whack the ever loving green goo and blue ooze out of their sorry asses. Teach those punks to mess with you in your own, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed room.
Grownups, you'll love the square beam flashlight too. Unlike conventional circular models, which emit irregular "blobs" of illumination, Bushnell's uniform LED light pattern creates bright, clean views of all objects within its range. For example, the Jack Daniels barrel ring that rolled under the couch, or a darkened campsite during late-night quests to find a place to poo.
The HD Torch's output lasts for up to 1-1/2 hours on two, 3-volt lithium batteries (included). Crafted of aircraft-grade machined aluminum, the flashlight is waterproof and features Bushnell's Find-Me glowing "B" on the rear button.
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