Running Behind Condiment Bottle Topper

I couldn't decide whether to call this condiment bottle topper of a dude having explosive diarrhea of your chosen condiment "Running from Behind," "Runs from Behind," "Poocasso," or "Ass Blaster." In fact, his name is Sir Perky. I know that doesn't really fit the full moon and #2 on steroids view you're getting above, but let me give you some context.
Sir Perky is a major exhibitionist, and began his career showing off his other side, in the form of household goods such as Sir Perky Bottle Openers and Sir Perky Corkscrews. Also, if you click through the additional images above, you'll see the view of his front side, which screws onto your condiment bottle, is, well, also ready to screw your condiment bottle.
I don't know if I'd call Sir Perky post-chili eating contest my favorite version of the dude, but he's definitely the one in the novelty gift line that elicits the most visceral reaction from me. Especially that shot of him shitting out a wet pile of grainy mustard. Brings back a lot of memories from my first trip to Tijuana. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.