Picnic Table Squirrel Feeder

As cute 'n' clever as this Picnic Table Squirrel Feeder is, I'm confused. Aren't most people trying to keep squirrels out of their yards? And, more specifically, the F away from their wildlife feeders? I know my mama is anyway, evidenced by 3 things:
- Everytime I'm at her house performing some son task for her, such as restarting her computer because it's "broken," she looks out the window and yells, "You damn squirrels! Get out of my flowers! ... Oooh, I'm gonna get the BB gun!"
- She purchased some Cole's Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce to mix in with the birdseed she loads in her feeders. I'm not sure how well it deterred the squirrels, but after some Flaming seeds blew up into her eye as she tried to fill the feeders, it sure deterred Mama from using it again.
- She purchased Bill Adler Jr.'s Outwitting Squirrels: 101 Cunning Stratagems to Reduce Dramatically the Egregious Misappropriation of Seed from Your Birdfeeder by Squirrels. None of the suggestions it provides actually allow her to outwit squirrels, but as a retired lady living solo, it gives her something to do that ensures the neighbors will think she's BSC.
What's that? You're here reading about the Picnic Table Squirrel Feeder because you're not like my mama? You love squirrels, and you love feeding them to entice them into your yard? Well. Look no further than this charming miniature, a wooden table with 2 benches and screws for mounting it to a tree. A third, center screw is designed to hold a corn cob, or perhaps a hot dog if your squirrels favor the meats. Also, JFYI Mama, maker The Squirrel Shop says the Picnic Table Squirrel Feeder is also "great for deterring squirrels from bird feeders."
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