The Smokist Smoking Pouch for Infused Grilling

Your wife will be so happy to hear instead of a fancy grill and a fancy smoker, or a fancy combination of the two, all you're going to buy is a simple and cost efficient Smoking Pouch from The Smokist.
This week, anyway.
The Smoking Pouch is an approximately 7" x 13" bag made of fine mesh 304 stainless steel. Fill it with a handful of wood chips, toss it on the grill along with your brisket or salmon, and let the slow smolder and smoke infusion begin. According to The Smokist, their fine mesh design limits airflow into the Smoking Pouch so your chips inside burn steady for the duration of cooking, and produce "clean, white smoke" within minutes, whether you're smoking hot or cold. (I prefer smoking hot, of course. Lookin' at you, Charlize.)
The Smoking Pouch is suitable for use on gas, charcoal, and electric grills. You can also use it in your smoker to enrichen your flavors. Pouch placement is versatile to accommodate grill sizes and space needs; you can put it directly on the cooking grate, or stand it vertically or horizontally on its edge between the grates and back of the grill. Between the burners works too. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.