Paracord-Wrapped Knuckle Duster

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Which would you rather add to your survival kit: paracord, which has myriad uses; or a knuckle duster, which really has only one? Aw, dude, don't ask me that I can't decide! The paracord, the knuckle duster, I''s a tie! They're both a hit, and I'm too wrapped up to knock one out. Hmm, wrap up...knock out. Wrap up a knockout.
May I present to you the paracord-wrapped knuckle duster. Better get one quick before all the other dudes beat you to the punch.
And by "all the other dudes," I obviously mean all the other ladies, who will be buying paracord-wrapped knuckle dusters as gifts for their grandmas, as indicated in the image gallery above. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.