Zipper LED Light & Bottle Opener

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How about a zipper LED light and bottle opener to complement your zipper knife? One for the jacket zipper, the other for the hoodie zipper, and just like that, instant readiness to light the way back home, crack open a cold one, or cut a bitch.
Gerber's GDC Zip Light contains a super bright beam on its dangling end, plus a quick release clip for removing it with one hand when hunting and gathering missions require a broader range of LED manipulation. According to Gerber, the white light puts off enough lumens (8) for reading without waking a sleeping tentmate, as well as finding your way back to the car when said tentmate is snoring. It also illuminates the Zip Light's integrated stainless steel bottle opener. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.