Hobie Mirage Eclipse ACX Stand Up Pedal Board

Put the pedal to the...water? A stand up pedal board? Sweet Jesus, as my current favorite Twitter meme might ask, "What chapter of Revelation are we doing today?"
The Hobie Mirage Eclipse ACX Stand Up Pedal Board throws half a scooter frame and some stair-stepper-style pedals on a stand up paddleboard to create a mashup the likes of which I haven't seen since Pringles-flavored instant ramen noodles. Is it awesome? Is it awful? Before making that determination, let's find out a little more about Hobie's paddle-less board.
The Mirage Eclipse ACX swaps handheld paddles for a MirageDrive GT pedal propulsion system, allowing boarders to use their feet and "a natural stepping motion" to create forward movement. Forward movement. No word on whether backing that board up is an option with the Mirage Eclipse ACX as it would be with a traditional paddleboard, so good luck if you get stuck in the mangroves. You can make right and left turns though using the board's adjustable alloy aluminum handlebars and their fingertip steering controls.
The 12' board itself has an extra-wide build for additional stability, particularly in wind, waves, and wake, and its EVA deckpad is designed to provide high-traction footing and comfort. The handlebars and rudder are removable for portability, and the fins fold inward against the board for beach landings and maneuvering through shallow water.
What do you think? Is Hobie's Mirage Eclipse ACX Stand Up Pedal Board the kind of aquatic hybrid you want to see become a new species?