Wheeled Snow Shovel
This shovel has been fitted with a gigantic wheel to make it exponentially easier to use, and it's called the Snow Wolf. So that's two things it has going for it. Also it claims that when old people whose children and grandchildren are too busy lying on couches and playing PS4s to help have to clear the 8" downfall from their snaking 50-foot-long driveways themselves, they will experience 3 to 4 times less back stress and cardio exertion doing so. And, in turn, greatly reduce their risk of strain and back injury. Snow Wolf says use of the Snow Wolf is no more difficult or strenuous than walking, and invites everyone to join the Snow Wolf Pack.
The Snow Wolf's ergonomic design travails to clear even deep snow and slushy bullshit snow with minimal effort, and without twisting or lifting. Its improvement of mechanical force and leverage at the fulcrum point of its 35" wheel also returns a performance rate of 3 times faster than traditional snow shovels; the Wolf can pile twice as much snow into towers over 4' high. Hmmm. I see a Snow Wolf, and I see...a fortress. 12' long x 5' tall. Right through the center of my backyard. Me on one side, Cornelius on the other. Me with a Snow Crossbow, Cornelius with the arm of a 12-year-old girl with Tourette's.
Snow Wolf wheeled shovels are made of heavy gauge steel and injection-molded polypropylene, and have 26" blades along their scoopers. Weight is 19 pounds. The frames are adjustable for users of varying heights, as well as foldable for flat storage against a wall or in a car trunk. The frame, wheel, and tire are warrantied for life.
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