OptiWand Pincher Contact Lens Insertion & Removal Tool

I OptiWander how anyone could stick this contact lens plunger near their eyeball. Then again, since the alternative is a finger, I also OptiWander how anyone could wear contact lenses at all. One thing this dude do not like is objects coming towards or hovering near his eyes. Just ask my mama, who use to have to bungee cord me to a chair to administer eye drops when I got pinkeye every other week as a kid.
But for those who choose this appalling contact lens fate over wearing glasses, the OptiWand Pincher is a contact lens insertion and removal tool that might make your contact lens insertion and removal efforts a bit easier, more steady, and probably more hygienic. OptiWand points out their tool is especially great for new contact lens users, but will take some practice to get the hang of. So, no different than a finger, really.
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