Men's Half Thong (NSFW)

Never mind all the male bush and taint action going on in these Men's Half Thong photos, what I really want to know is: how the half thong does a dude wear a half thong? How does it stay on? Is there an adhesive involved? Am I to believe dudes are going to put up with body tape on one butt cheek and part of their junk in the name of looking sexy?
Male strippers, bodybuilders of Instagram, Hemsworth brothers, can you weigh in here?
I suppose on the bright side, the Half Thong can be worn on either hip, so you don't have to worry about whether you dress left or dress right.
If any of you daring dudes want to give the Men's Half Thong a shot at containing your twig and berries, you can get one in black, red, or blue. And ladies with lovers, don't forget you'll need a Valentine's Day gift soon enough. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.