Star Wars Spandex
I have always felt that Star Wars could use more of two things: skin and spandex. Princess Leia bikinis notwithstanding, I'm sure you agree. Right? Well, ever present to charge forth and fill a gap that never really existed, but in a way that makes us feel happy and slightly turned on anyway, Black Milk Clothing has produced a line of stretchy, sexy Star Wars clothing. R2D2 turns up as curve-hugging tank dress, and Han Solo, R2D2, and C3PO all grace the busts and butts of one-piece swimsuits.
Ladies, how do you feel about hot tubbing in Carbonite with a young Harrison Ford wielding a pistol (and strategically placed pistol tip) screen printed across your torso? Two Galactic thumbs up? Then check out the Solo Swimsuit. For a metallic sheen that will turn all residual geeks of the male species into your personal android, the Threepio Swimsuit should come in handy. And to Boop boop boop beep boop your way into free admittance to all Comic Cons, cosplay conventions, and MIT parties, you have your choice between the Artoo Swimsuit, and the Artoo Dress.
Star Wars clothing is available in sizes XS through L.