Yooperlite UV-Fluorescent Stone Designs

I'd never seen yooperlite before today, but after just a few seconds of gazing at the UV-fluorescent stones, and the designs Palcamsol Distributing has turned them into, has me going all Fred Flintstone and saying, "Yooper-dooper-doo!"
Under normal conditions, yooperlite is a nice enough looking rock, mottled with black and shades of brown and gray. Palcamsol Distributing has shaped the stones into a variety of objects, including beaded bracelets, wicked skull and dragon sculptures, and even a 6-pound solid yooperlite sphere, ready both to tell the future and take out an intruder. But the real yoopermagic begins when the sun goes down, the LEDs go off, and the black light flickers to life.
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