Dripping Blood Pearl Necklace

- Vampire Face Jewels - $9.99
- Dripping Blood Earrings - $9.99
- Bloody Sword Earrings - $16.99
- Dripping Blood Brooches - $17.99
- Bloody Pearl Choker - $14.99
Yep, I read it on Reddit. Or rather, I saw the Dripping Blood Pearl Necklace on Reddit, as you and thousands of others may have too. But I still couldn't resist showcasing it here, given that blood and pearls are what this site is all about. Or rather, the optical illusion the combination of the two creates in the Dripping Blood Pearl Necklace is one of the things this site is all about.
Halloween costumes are another.
And pranks, especially those that could scare the bejeezus out of your mama and Aunt Jan, and that your wife, She-Ra: Princess of Power, is willing to aid and abet you with, are a third.
So, yes, Reddit might get credit as the first place you saw the Dripping Blood Pearl Necklace, but a kooky, kitschy design that makes you do a double take, and then maybe feel a bit queasy, has no better home than right here.
And if you haven't seen the Dripping Blood Pearl Necklace before, well. Welcome to the moderately unsettling feast I've cooked up for your eyeballs. It's a triple-layered choker of imitation white pearls, with a strategically-placed patch painted red, and leading into some dangling red glass crystal beads. The necklace is 17" long, and "pearl" beads are threaded onto elastic, so there is some adjustability in fit. The blood drop beads are attached to clear, flexible jewelry cord that move with your neck.
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