Kinekt Moving Gear Ring

Posted: May 20, 2013
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Kinekt's Gear Ring reminds me of that ditty "The Wheels on the Bus" except, unlike the song, the ring has a fully integrated design of micro-precision, stainless steel gears instead of rubber tires that go round and round, and, also unlike the song, it doesn't make me want to ram a pair of lightsaber chopsticks through my eardrums.

Northern New Jersey's Kinekt Design reigns as the first company to marry moving gears and jewelry; as such they have secured numerous design and utility patents for their Gear Ring, which admittedly looks pretty cool in action and would probably suit very well the fingers of all the world's steampunk fanatics and sufferers of OCD. Five spins before walking through a doorway, 8 spins before unlatching a seatbelt, 100 spins each time a lady bends over and I can see her bra, 150 if it's lace....

The 316L matte stainless steel ring functions via a pair of outer rims that spin to move in unison the industrial implements contained within. Gear Rings come with a lifetime warranty for manufacturer's defects and are available in 16 standard sizes from US 5 to 20.

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