Star Wars Death Star Heart Necklace

Posted: January 11, 2013
Star Wars Death Star Heart Necklace

Christmas: Over. Valentine's Day: Dammit! Still to come. But get your wife/girlfriend/favorite cheese girl at the Whole Foods a Star Wars Death Star Heart Necklace, and you'll both check another gift off your list and make staring at her chest even more enjoyable. See, who says you can't be considerate of others and self-serving at the same time?

Jewelry designer Monique Pasco crafts her Death Star Heart pendant from a lightweight, heat-cured plastic. The design is flat, about the thickness of a quarter, and arrives dangling from an 18" chain.

I personally think combining a symbol of love with a symbol of destruction and turning it into a piece of women's jewelry is appropriate because every woman I've ever loved has done an outstanding job of destroying me. So send a few necklaces my way, Ms. Pasco. I know some ladies who could wear a Death Star Heart like a badge of F'ing honor.

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