MiniMeis G4 Shoulder Carrier

I've often wondered how parents carry kids on their shoulders without the kids jerking backwards or toppling sideways and falling off. And what the MiniMeis G4 Shoulder Carrier indicates to me is: sometimes the kids do jerk backwards or topple sideways and fall off.
But they won't if they're secured in the waist harness and leg straps of a MiniMeis G4 Shoulder Carrier.
MiniMeis says the G4 is an award winner, and the first of its kind to allow parents to schlep their tots safely hands-free. It is compact compared to hiking kid carriers, and obviously much smaller and easier to deal with than strollers, especially in crowded places, such as carnivals and parades and festivals and farmers' markets. MiniMeis designed its carrier to distribute your kiddo's weight evenly over both your shoulders, using a 9-point harness, shoulder belt, leg loops, and backrest.
A great gift for Dad, provided the child giving it to him doesn't weigh over 40 pounds, which is the max weight the MiniMeis G4 is rated to carry.
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