End of Days Customs Survival Rides
You want it, you got it. End of Days Customs will bust a move to transform any ride you want into a survivalist's dream and motorized beast ready to Mad Max its way into a post-apocalyptic world. Or just take you van camping for a few days.
The Dorset-based EoD Customs builds a full range of mechanical, stylistic, and accessory mods onto motorcycles, cars, trucks, SUVs, or any vehicle you feel will "safely take you through the dusty wasteland of nuclear fallout." That sounds badass...but kind of depressing...but badass! Examples include:
- LPG systems
- Upgraded suspension
- Increased engine power
- Roof racks, bull bars, and hidden compartments
- Built-in accommodation
- Built-in GPS, Wi-Fi, and CB radio
- Weapons for hunting and survival
- NBC filters
- Air / water purifiers
- Medical / trauma kits
- Food rations
- Secondary vehicles, such as a motorcycle or quad bike, added to larger vehicles
End of Days Customs typically has a few un-commissioned builds they've done on their own available for purchase, all of which can undergo further modification at your request. Or you can start from scratch, selecting a vehicle from the EoD stock list, or having them source one that floats your doomsday boat. From there you'll be able to select colors, usage specs, and gadgets.
Muchas danke to Sean O. for the Dude Product Tip.