Portable Survival Rifle

Posted: August 19, 2012
$290 - $350
Check It Out

"Don't leave civilization without one." It's the motto of the US Survival AR-7, a semi-automatic portable rifle that weighs a mere 3-1/2 pounds and measures in at 16-1/2" long when broken down and stowed in its waterproof stock. US Air Force pilots have been toting AR-7s since 1959, keeping them tidily stowed in cargo compartments, ready for easy access should they need to punch out over a remote area Bear Grylls-style. Well, Bear Grylls-style if Bear Grylls didn't have the TV crews and alleged 5-star hotels on deck the moment the cameras stop rolling.

These days, an era during which "survival" isn't just synonymous with "not getting dead", but more specifically with "not getting brains eaten out of skull or infected with the zombie virus," the AR-7 is popular amongst bush pilots, backpackers, and backcountry trekkers in need of a rifle that doesn't take up much space, but can still take down small game and zombified Jamaican sprinters.

Disassembled, the AR-7's pieces reside neatly in the weapon's impact-resistant stock. When called upon, the rifle grows to 35" of life in seconds. Its carrier need only attach the receiver to the stock, insert the barrel, and screw on the barrel nut--no tools required. Check out the video below to see the assembly/disassembly process, as well as the gun in action.

Henry forges its Survival AR-7 barrels from steel, and then covers them in ABS plastic. Both barrel and receiver are also coated in Teflon for complete corrosion protection in harsh environments, such as sand and salt water. The rifle's engineered design promises perfect balance and consistent tack-driving accuracy over the course of thousands of rounds.

Henry US Survival AR-7 models come in Black ($290) and Camo ($350) finishes. Both have adjustable rear sight and a blade front sight.

The portable survival rifle is a top Dude Gift for a Man pick.

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