Anatomical Gummi Bears

Posted: August 11, 2012
Anatomical Gummi Bear in Clear
Check It Out

This anatomical view of what lies beyond the high fructose corn syrup and Yellow Dye No. 5 of their epidermises paints Gummi Bears in a new light. Gives them some identity. Some humanity. Makes me feel kind of bad for eating them by the handful without a second thought. Mostly because I now realize the acute stomach cramps I usually get 30 minutes after a bear mowing session is due to having ingested about 175 skeletal systems without really chewing (hey, Gummi in my mouth = good; Gummi in my teeth = no bueno.) But I guess we're not here to talk about my GI system, we're here to talk about New York City artist and "4D Master" Jason Freeny's Anatomical Gummi Bears.

The candy-coated science lessons come with 41 bodily parts, including a skull with a removable, brain-exposing lid, wee hand and foot bones, a spinal cord, and a chunk of intestines. Assembly appears to be fairly straightforward, easy enough even for a child, or someone who has had one too many vodka-soaked Gummi Bears topped with Whipped Lightning, to do.

Like their tiny, squishy-yet-hardy counterparts, the members of Freeny's Gummi Bear Anatomy Toy collection come in an assortment of transparent colors, though at present, only the clear ursine incarnation is available for purchase from French vendor Pylones. Once he replenishes his stock, Freeny will be selling signed versions as well. Check his blog, MoistProduction, for updates.

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