100 Games to Play with a Stick

Posted: December 22, 2022
100 Games to Play with a Stick
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No, 100 Games to Play with a Stick is not about your penis. But, like your penis, it does make a great gag gift.

100 Games to Play with a Stick is a humorous parody of...hmmm. I'm going to say children's books, activity books, party games, and digital culture all combined. Its authors, the same cats responsible for Drunk Stoned or Stupid, say their suggestions for stick merrymaking are "inspired by simpler times when all you needed was a long summer day and a few good sticks."

One warning I'd give anyone excited to purchase 100 Games to Play with a Stick in hopes of actually playing a hundred games with a stick: the book kinda fudges its numbers, or at least their meaning. For example, while game #68 is Stick-o'-War, a delightful twist on Tug-o'-War that, yep, incorporates a stick, the rules for game #49, Thick Stick, are; "1. Go find a stick. 2. Is it exceedingly thick? 3. That may be a tree." See? Not really a game to play with a stick, just an observation that sticks are no longer sticks once they exceed a certain size.

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