Game of Thrones Inspired Vintage Playing Cards

Bra(a)vo(s) to Paul Nojima, creator and hand-illustrator of the original designs on this deck of Game of Thrones Inspired Vintage Playing Cards. He assigns the 4 primary houses of Westeros to each suit, and includes one of your favorite / most-loathed citizens of Westeros on every card, with the exception of the Aces, which are house sigils.
And the Jokers, appropriately drawn as Littlefinger and Varys.
Diamonds in the 54-card, poker-sized deck are House Lannister, Clubs House Targaryen, Hearts House Baratheon, and Spades House Stark. Interestingly, Joffrey is a member of House Lannister, but Jon Snow still lives in House Stark. Maybe Nojima made the cards before the big reveal.
Along with their character portrait every number card also has a name and associated house sigil. Characters from houses not big enough to merit their own suit seem to be shuffled in sort of randomly where there are openings (e.g., Sam Tarly is a Baratheon Heart, Olenna Tyrell gets stuck with the Diamond Lannisters.)
Each Game of Thrones card deck comes in a custom designed tuck box. Vintage-worn cards are professionally printed on 310gsm card stock with linen finish.