Toilet Tag Game for Adults Who Share the Same Potty

Posted: April 30, 2020
Toilet Tag Game for Adults Who Share the Same Potty
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Normally I would disregard a game like Toilet Tag, especially given its rampant use of the word "potty" in its descriptions. For example: Toilet Tag is a "game for adults who share the same potty." For another example: Toilet tag is "a funner way to potty." For a third example: By playing Toilet Tag, "You'll grow even closer to your potty partner."

Yuck. For making a point to say this is a game for adults 17 and older only, Toilet Tag sure goes out of its way to write like it's addressing children.

But like I said, normally this is the type of foolish game I'd ignore. Presently though, my wife and I have been spending an inordinate amount of time together. Some of it is good times, some is why'd-we-get-married-again? times, and some is just quiet times. Alone together times because we're doing our own thing, or have just plain run out of stuff to talk about. And it's those times that I think might be good Toilet Tag times.

Toilet Tag engages and enlightens toilet sharers with volley-style questions and prompts that reveal interesting facts and juicy bits about one another's past, view of the future, and musings on ridiculous hypotheticals. Each time you enter the bathroom, Toilet Tag should be opened to a current play page, with your partner having answered the prompt on one side. You grab a pen and a seat, and answer the same prompt on the other side, and then flip to a new page to kick off answering that prompt, leaving Toilet Tag open to that page for your partner's next foray into the poop chamber.

Note: while potentially entertaining, Toilet Tag is also a very dirty game. Please wash your hands after playing, and for that matter, wipe off the game itself and the pen you use to play it every now and then.

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