ceilingSWISH Indoor Mini Basketball Hoop

Posted: October 02, 2020
ceilingSWISH Indoor Mini Basketball Hoop
Check It Out

If you've never been hit in the face with a basketball, the ceilingSWISH indoor mini basketball hoop is the perfect opportunity to get in some good practice. At least the "rock" that comes with this ceiling-mounted hoop and net looks soft enough that you won't break your nose every time hand-eye coordination fails you on the rebound. Or...yuk, yuk, yuk...shoot your eye out.

Ceiling Sport's ceilingSWISH is made as a gift for kids - especially kids stuck online learning this semester, and especially as the weather begins to restrict time and activities outdoors - that helps them develop muscles and coordination, plus build focus and attention.

Given its shrunken size and lightweight design, the mini basketball hoop looks reasonably safe to use, both from a personal injury and a household destruction standpoint. Ceiling Sport says it is appropriate for kiddos 4 and up, and ceilings of all types, thought I question that last part since installation is via adhesive strips that will probably pull your paint, possibly some of the drywall, off if you ever try to remove the ceilingSWISH.

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