Punchable USB-Connected Enter Key Pillow

Posted: September 03, 2017
Punchable USB-Connected Enter Key Pillow
Check It Out

Need to blow off some stress? Just hit Enter. Hard. This USB-connected Enter Key Pillow redefines what it means to punch a QWERTY key. In the best, best possible way. Hook the oversized, tetromino-style pillow into a USB port on your existing setup and let your iron fist step in for your delicate pinky finger whenever it's time to go hard on the Return.

Check out this GIF of the Enter Key Pillow taking a beating. Good times, 'eh? Not to mention the perfect gift for a geek.

Or the dude with the bloodshot eyes and half-pulled-out eyebrows who sits down the cube row from you. They say the cushy Enter Key Pillow is both a stress reliever while working, and a swell place to rest your weary head when you need a timeout. And it's way cheaper and less fruity looking than an Ostrich Pillow and a Sleep Suit.

The Enter Key Pillow measures 5.5" x 7.9". Sweet dreams and happy punching!

Muchas danke to Trevor W. for the Dude Product Tip.

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