Bron Coucke Sausage Guillotine

Posted: July 11, 2022
Bron Coucke Sausage Guillotine
Check It Out

The Bron Coucke Sausage Guillotine. Now there's an...interesting...gift for a man. Indeed, it is an exquisite charcuterie tool, made in France and most dudely in appearance to maximize presentation at your next dinner party.


It also contains the words "sausage," "guillotine," and "Coucke," the latter of which we all know we all read as "Cock." Tee-hee-hee. And a cock sausage guillotine? Yikes. Sounds like a double-edged gift if I ever heard of one.

Actually, it's worse: a single-edged gift, served with a serrated stainless steel blade you operate using a back-and-forth sawing motion.

Excuse me. My sausage and I aren't feeling so good anymore.

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