Dr. Who Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control
While I'm pretty sure the Sonic Screwdriver in remote control form cannot eradicate the entire E! Network or track aliens of the Zooey Deschanel persuasion, it can make brandishers feel like pretty bitchin' Time Lords while using it to switch to more respectable programming on AMC or SyFy. The Doctor's toolbox favorite beams to Earth in early September as a gesture-based infrared remote that, true to the Whoniverse, is clever enough to learn the operation codes from almost any regular controller. Use the screwdriver to crank up your iPod with clockwise and counterclockwise rotations, flip between Breaking Bad and Alphas with up-down flicks of the wrist, or pull back and eject that shizit movie with Will Ferrell and Marky Mark from your DVD player.
The Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control can elicit up to 13 tricks with each of its three memory banks, for a total of 39 codes divvied amongst your favorite electronics. Code 40 puts the science fiction television series prop replica for which you doled out $99.95 into full-metal lockdown, so sons with no legitimate claim to its powers cannot relish or abuse them. And speaking of powers, the Sonic Screwdriver also switches from FX Mode for invoking 13 authentic Whovian sound effects and one celestial green light effect, to Quiet Mode for ejected-from-the-TARDIS-in-deep-space silence and darkness.
Sonic Screwdriver Remote Controls are forged from Skaro's finest hand-polished die cast metal, ABS plastic, soft-touch plastic, and copper plating. Pursuant to its ginger removal from the box and presentation display stand, plus 20 minutes of cuddle time, Doctors of the home entertainment system can follow Screwdriver's step-by-step setup technicolor instructions to program codes and learn how also to use it with spoken prompts. Three AAA batteries are required. Screwdriver dimensions, according to retailer ThinkGeek, are 2.33 x 10 -17 light years long.