Make It Rain Cash Cannon

Posted: July 09, 2014
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I've heard the saying "Make it rain" was coined in the strip clubs of Atlanta. This rainmaking enabler called the Cash Cannon, however, appears to hail from New York. Maybe the singles sprayer will create a brotherly bond between the two cities. It will definitely create a brotherly bond between any Cash Cannon owner and all the dudes he meets at Leave It to Beavers. The fast, true, unbreakable bond over the love of bouncing titties and gyrating G-strings.

The Cash Cannon requires 4 simple steps for proper operation:

  1. Turn your music up.
  2. Load the Cash Cannon.
  3. Squeeze the trigger.
  4. Make it rain.

I think it would be a good marketing approach for Cash Cannon to hire a bunch of strippers and allow anyone who shows up with 60 $1 bills to fire off their purchase of one. As it stands, though, the ABS plastic shooter is available only by credit card payment online. Cash Cannons use 1, 9V battery to power a motor and rubber roller assembly that emphatically feed out any stack of paper with the dimensions of US currency.

The Cash Cannon is a top Dude Gift for a Man pick.

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