C U Next Tuesday Mug

Posted: June 07, 2013
C U Next Tuesday Mug
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Oh the C word. My friends Constantine, Bartholomew, and I all agree it's pretty much the worst in the English language. Definitely the most heinous mud you can sling at someone. Which makes this C U Next Tuesday, or UNT Mug kind of a curious release. Who would ever buy that for themselves? And who would ever buy it for someone else? Except anonymously. I'd send it anonymously to this chick Karin I know.... D'oh! I just gave myself away!

I guess the other thing to note about the C-shaped-handle UNT Mug is that it is sold by a company based in the UK. Bartholomew and I also discussed how the Brits and Scots and Irishmen we know do not really consider this word to be the worst in the English language like many Americans do. In fact, they tend to toss it about somewhat freely, which both makes me uncomfortable and gives me the giggles. C U Next Tuesday, my brother! Shiver. Squirm. Tee hee hee.

Muchas danke to Laughing Squid.

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