PanGogh Batter Art Pancake Griddle

Posted: June 12, 2021
PanGogh Batter Art Pancake Griddle
Check It Out

I don't really understand how this PanGogh batter art pancake griddle works, but as long as there are delicious pancakes that look like delicious ice cream cones at the end of it, I'll leave that to the kids to figure out.

The electric griddle comes with 2 nonstick templates and 4 batter bottles for creating colorful and delectable ice cream cone and lion flapjacks. You can buy additional templates separately, or freehand your edible artwork with the combination of fine-tipped and standard-tipped batter bottles.

Since you might - "might" being the key word here - want to give the PanGogh as a gift to your kids, the griddle is made with a cool-touch surround that "frames" the center heating elements. If griddle artists get a hankering for eggs, French toast, cottage fries, or a grilled cheese sammich instead of pancakes at some point, the PanGogh griddle can cook those up too.

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