What the F*@# Should I Make for Dinner?

Posted: July 28, 2013
What the F*@# Should I Make for Dinner?
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Making dinner. Anymore it's either taxing, convoluted, frustrating, or comes straight from a box/can/Ramen pouch. Why, when you walk into the kitchen and lament, What the F*@# should I make for dinner?, can't there be an immediate, obvious, and a cheerily mean-spirited answer? Welp, here you go.

What the F*@# Should I Make for Dinner?: The Answers to Life's Everyday Question (in 50 F*@#ing Recipes) contains meal suggestions and preparation instructions for life's most trying times of hunger. Every f*@#ing page contains a Choose your own adventure-type option for cooking the food listed, or moving on for reasons such as not f*@#ing like that, not f*@#ing eating meat, or, if you're not a loser, not being a f*@#ing vegetarian.

Recipes themselves employ the same crotchety wit, with titles ranging from "Prove your high school guidance counselor wrong and don't fuck up some Frisee and Apple Salad" to "I'd say eat shit, but that wouldn't be helpful, so why don't you make some fucking Braised Lamb Shanks."

What the F*@# Should I Make for Dinner? was derived from the well-received Website of the same name.

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